Wolves and Humans.

All my life I had this fondness and respect for wolves. They represented to me the essence of wildlife, an example of family life. They are elusive, yet playful, beautiful and ferocious.

With great curiosity I read this long article, which writes about the wolves that started the reintroduction to wolves in Oregon.

It saddens me greatly that we humans claim the world as ours. If the wild animals interfere with anything that we decide to own, if they don’t follow our rules (wild animals have their own rules), our answer is to eliminate the nuisance. I hope one day, humans come to realize that the world is magnificent not because people live in it. It is beautiful because of its diversity in all natural life.

A fateful encounter between Oregon’s mightiest wolf and the scientist who would track him for the next six years.

via An Oregon Wolf, Profiled — Longreads

4 thoughts on “Wolves and Humans.

  1. Thanks for sharing this article, Christina. I love it that we are trying to reverse some of the damage done to our brother and sister creatures, but it’s so sad that the decimation of these animals happened in the first place. Despite setbacks, I hope humans continue to learn. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Loved your commentary on the wolves. I too find it sad that we are taking away all of God”s plan of harmony for the sake of growth or greed (in some instances).
    I watch all the birds sitting atop light posts and think how sad they feel that their homes have been taken from them.
    There is so much we could be doing to save land and not destroy. Wish everyone would think twice about this before destroying nature.


  3. Lovely said, I cannot agree more with you, the world is not ours, and what is happening today is outrages, people with money behaving like gods and killing other species and driving them to extinction, all for “fun”! Lets keep in touch, following your blog, hope we can influence more and more people into accepting other species as part of this world, as they were for millions of years!


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